Replaced 225-2377, HEP07580 & UP Debounce on the oil level switch is now 3 seconds set III 4CK1 13151 425@1800 HT w/o Brksv 22 1457967-00 Replaced 311-6989,312-1400,314-3434, 266-2737 9 Replaced 249-7369,259-6720,266-6517, latest 226-2357 226-2358 46 Service Replacement 138-8790 138-8791 617 HP @ 1800 RPM Latest 267-7176 11, 3508 EPG 1800 RPM (A3 ECM) Certified 750/850/925 HP @ 2100 with new style injectors *************************************************************************** 660 @ 1440 EPA LoNox Cert. WARNING: ONCE THIS IS FLASHED THE INTERLOCK IS FROZEN AND CANNOT BE CHANGED, 500 HP 1750 @ 1200 5EK67193 & UP 186-9922 394 DEC99 REPLACED 214-3354 SEE REHS1385, 657E/3412E Dual HP Tractor 236-5594 21 MAY03 669HP @ 1800 RPM Replaced 375-8515,381-4871,384-9572,394-0320,419-6675, C18 IND- C2 Tier 437-1277 201 APR13 This resulted in nuisance alarms in applications where the electrical system is left powered up when the engine is not running. FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) 143-9900 143-9902 143-9901 143-9903 Replacement Replaced 242-1847,243-4421 65. Date 475 HP @ 1800 ABK1-708, ACL1-853 900 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, LO BSFC, JWAC Replaced 268-3702, C15 MT855 Challenger 462HP/2100 RPM 228-3279 5 DEC02 REPLACED 208-5789, 550 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 338-5274 148 OCT08 576kw/1800RPM Replaced 251-4589,264-6693, 430 HP 1550 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCB00508-5433* 291-2069 42 MAR06 637E/3408E (1FB0660 UP) 1835 RPM, LIGHT WEIGHT, C RATING, IMO CERT Firmware, 2.45, has been released for CAT UPS 250, 300, 500, 600, 750 and 900 Series Product. RHC RHC0330.bin Nov 99, Challenger 45 EDC EDC0640.bin Nov 00 326-9124,328-0702, C7 300HP @ 2400 RPM ER JUL08 50/150 334-2363 performance Version REPLACED 217-7750,230-9781, 600/615/635 HP @ 1800 *************************************************************************************, IMPORTANT: It is very important to select the CORRECT flash file for the injector part 1. Primary Reason Code 511HP@1800RPM C7 KAL 190HP 520 lb-ft * Important see note above for complete detail This is the 106-9184 personality module available. Replaced N/A, ************************************************************************************* 800 @ 1440 EPA LoNox Cert. Replaces 383-1255,432-5970, C18 MAR-1136HP PROP 447-2906 190 OCT13 UP, 435 HP 1650 PT 5EK00001 120-4026 120-4028 5 JAN95 REPLACED 228-8036,231-9246, all future software releases. (Still used on steel pistons) 6TS00001 & UP, 410 HP Brakesaver 1450/1550@1200 5EK67193-80006 186-9905 369 DEC99 auto calibration, From 175-3317 to 193-4245: 750/800/850/900 HP @ 2300 with new style injectors 208-1047,211-0765, 3412E JWAC LOW POWER 221-9295 109 JUN02 168-4416 168-4417 Version C This causes the 286-7264,301-5234,314-8474,325-6255,353-2728,383-0725, C7 MACH-962K MWL 438-7277 16 MAY13 Flash Part No. Flash Part No. Reasons for software change: Chip Version Reason 771D/3408E (6JR1 UP) FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) 500 HP@2100/2300 RPM EURO4 348-6571 35/135 Jun09 Flash Part No. LOW NOX EMISSIONS REBUILD SOFTWARE FOR 98 IRON C-10/C-12 ADEM II ************************************************************************** apc_ 110. ttf ******************************************************************************** 261-8300 7 zzc_ 102. ttf Replaced 273-2204,290-6508, C18 Marine SEC 310-7689 52 MAR07 437-0103, C4.4 MACH 450_Tier4i 441-9411 28 JUL13 298HP@2200RPM 21 324 HP @ 1800RPM Latest 273-9068 13-27, 3508 EPG 1200 RPM (A3 ECM) Certified REPLACED 160-9964,154-4644,211-0768, 3412E JWAC DITTA HIGH POWER 221-9310 17 JUN02 Aluminum pistons (was 170-8111), 375 HP 1450/1550PT MULTI-TORQUE 5EK05767 & UP 185-1187 321 DEC99 Replaced 258-7359,262-4533,265-9571, Flash Part No. 450 HP 2300 6BW1 UP 227-3826 42 OCT02 300 HP @ 2200 1WM 1 and up 188-8068 315 JAN00 The new Latest 259-8282 259-8283 8, 3508 Propulsion Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert FLS and FTS may be programmed without passwords once on a new (blank) ECM. latest 227-4873 N/A 46 REPLACED 244-8690,260-5883,267-8347 Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason GSC FPGA: 1.00 (GSC equipped systems only). Model No. 144-3654 144-3656 144-3655 144-3657 254-0993,259-5603,265-3327,272-5318,295-2327, C7 KAL 300HP 860 lb-ft (ER) * Important see note above for complete detail events. II.V 8TC1413 Up 425 CARB 107 0R6662-00 Version Flash Part No. 5EK53003, 435 HP 1650 PT 5EK53004 & 129-0257 129-0259 45 AUG95 Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 625 HP @ 1400 for use with 156-7172 ECM 180-3894 180-3895 1,3 251-3189 N/A 58 TOP 2 GEAR MULTITORQUE Replaces 435-1326, C4.4 MACH BHL_Low_Pwr_Tier4i 441-6549 13 JUL13 FOR USE WITH FORMER STYLE INJECTORS (174-7526) Replaces 365-7757,383-0730,437-2257 275 1800 171 REPLACED 295-8798,311-0213,328-5426 641 HP @ 1500 (Replaces 170-8078), 305 HP 1800 2PN1 UP 190-0226 307 DEC99 Click Program pressure value would cause Engine Vision to display Error. 266-2765 9 will never order chips from the service replacement column. REPLACED 160-9959, 3408E JWAC HIGH POWER 225-9211 15 JUN02 FOR USE WITH FORMER STYLE INJECTORS (174-7526) 283 HP 2100 AXC00001 UP 303-6285 2 NOV06 Flash Part No. Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason and re-flash or 2) flash the original personality module with pre-NOV95 Replaced 258-7360,262-4534,265-9572, 175-5358 175-5359 Changed the overspeed retarder solenoid pinging from 23:General Alarm Relay feature added; Synchronization Driver (J2-29) will activate for any active diagnostic or event, Replaced 288-8537,297-2419 Basic Engine Requirement Altitude derate annunciation supression on EMSII. 0HP@1800RPM latest 206-8750 206-8751 4, 1800 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, LO BSFC 310 HP 1150 PT 5EK05767 & UP 185-1177 333 DEC99 680 KVA @ 1500 RPM 20 Range NO. Replaces 310-5205,379-9457,439-7156, C9 D6 TTT ENGINE. 302-8942,307-2259,308-1295, 600 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM MXS00001-UP 329-8554 10 APR08 180 msec to 120 msec. Replaced N/A, 772B/3412E Retrofit 276-3446 152 MAY05 TIER II EMISSIONS 6. 136-5921 136-5922 189-8564 REPLACED 194-1845, 198-7514, 3412E Marine A MID RANGE 218-7489 50 MAR02 215-5820 N/A 41, 44 Replaced 218-2970,235-6140, 3412E Marine E 227-3845 105 SEP02 327-4533,333-5958,334-1301,343-5758, 146-9368 4 MAR 97 Latest 273-9057 13-27, 3508 Auxiliary Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert REPLACED 216-2920, 450 HP 2100 2XR1 UP 227-3833 48 OCT02 950 @ 1800 RPM 19 ********************************************************************************. 205-6945 37 Flash File Cross Reference. II 8TC1413 10980 350 EPA 103 1019298-00 1136 @ 1500 RPM 17 Replaced 258-6910,262-3723, BRAKESAVER, 500 HP 1850PT 1800/2100 BRAKESAVER 1LW00001 & UP 192-5340 442 APR00 REPLACED 228-8035,231-9244, 231-9941 143-9886 143-9888 143-9887 143-9889 3. C15 Marine E Tier 307-9962 51 JAN07 800 @ 1500 EPA Cert. 237-5243 NA 176-6052 176-6054 176-6053 176-6055 18-21 59. (STANDARD) Replaces 370-9202,392-3468, C6.6 EP-SABRE MARINE TAG2 440-9716 105 AUG13 980G implement control 175-0228 produce more voltage and power up the WLSM. MULTI TORQUE, 342 HP 1800 9CK1 UP 188-8085 312 DEC 99 +/- 40 kPa like 5130B HAA 1172HP@1500RPM, C32 MAR-AUX 50HZ 396-8927 187 SEP13 Replaced 361-2200,363-5897,386-1363 REPLACED 419-6212,366-7823,373-3689,378-7548,384-9979,350-4444 absolute value of the fuel filter differential pressure is now used for display REPLACED 308-1470, C18 EP-50HZ-LOW-BSFC 324-0651 DEC07 138-8804 138-8805 From 161-8000 to 165-5026: 176-6132 176-6134 176-6133 176-6135 1
PDF Catalyst 3560 Switch Boot Loader Commands - Cisco Brakesaver NXS00001-UP 740 EKW @ 1800 RPM 93 271-2966,283-5139,291-2095. Replaces 309-6963,320-3721,344-2664,364-3636, C6.6 MACH-963D TTL 443-8413 4 AUG13 Chip Version Reason latest 209-8273 209-8274 11-22, 1800 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, LO BSFC 129-4186 128-6989 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, LO BSFC D4G XL CFN 1 386 CFN00387 644 HP @ 1400 8. 168-1983 168-1984 power for power variability problems. latest 227-4861 227-4862 46 875 HP @ 2200 RPM 1880 RPM, LIGHT WEIGHT, D RATING, IMO CERT *450/515 515 1550/1650 2100 RV only * ********************************************************************************, 3512B 1800 RPM, EMISSIONS Flash Part No. Replaced 248-7636,251-7452, Operating Parameter Definition Default Value, Auto Load and Start 0=no autoload and no autostart 1* Version REPLACED 366-7942,378-7545,384-9981,395-1111, C13 INDUSTRIAL-A/B/C TIER4i 500ekW/kVA Non-Certified XQ500 176-6184 176-6185 1,3 Replaced N/A. All engine related error codes Flash Part No. 205-7005 37 520 @ 1560 EPA LoNox Cert. 259-8390 6 ==========================================================================, Description Serial Flash Part IC Release 51. Corrected the Core map to update the default governor gains. more RPM below low idle. REPLACED 278-0173,298-8564,313-4535, 344-8245, 359-5139, 374-4607 650 HP @ 2000 (was 170-8182), 375 HP 1450 PT 5EK05767 & UP 185-1186 355 DEC99 183-5065 183-5066 1,3 390-5244, C18 MACH-D9T TTT NACD 439-7192 184 AUG13 From 149-8181 to 161-8000: latest 209-8287 11-22, 60 HZ, PRIME / STANDBY, LO BSFC 316-1764,318-7032,320-0296,326-3609, 183-4895 183-4896 16,18,21,23 latest 229-0282 45, 46 latest 178-9164 178-9165 18-22, 60 HZ, 1200 RPM, EPA CERT (LAND) Replaces BXS 291-2084/PM code 41 for use in Heavy Haul applications only, 475 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM BXS2035-up 305-4526 62 NOV06 300 HP @ 2200 1WM/7LZ 1 and up 188-8063 311 JAN00 227-9348 3126 Truck 275HP 800 lb-ft, 2200 RPM Date Code SEP02 Replaced 314-2931,316-1861,318-7007, 860 @ 1500 EPA Cert. REPLACED 208-5779, 475/500 HP 1650/1750 LB-FT 2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7392 138 JAN02 160HP@1800RPM 19 REPLACED 221-9334, 3412E DITA JWAC LSP PETRO/IND 297-4821 139 JUL06 BRAKESAVER ONLY 390 HP 2100 3NL1 UP 137-9557 137-9559 16 AUG 96 Replaced 252-9280, C18 EP-REG 50Hz 852 HP/1500 RPM 265-8976 13 OCT04 164-2034 164-2035 9 1. Version Replaced 290-0425 5. Replaced 242-7007,249-7371, Replaced 244-3518, C18 MEUI Marine 271-8703 18 SEP05 MAC-14 applications AND a listing of available pre-programmed ECMs 810 EKW @ 1800 RPM 9 Replaces 266-6497,308-5099,343-7082, C9 MAR-150EKW 50HZ AUX 394-5054 50 Jul13 267-7171 11 228-5176 n/a 46 These "chips" are made available for a very small percentage of performs governing functions. REPLACED N/A, C15 MT835 AGCO 361HP/2100 RPM 341-7346 119 NOV08 Version Flash Part No. code activated until parameter is programmed one time. HP RPM (FIELD UPRATE ONLY FOR 410HP & BELOW), 455 HP 1550PT 2100 1LW00001 & UP 192-5322 438 APR00, 455 HP 1550 PT 1LW00001 & UP 192-5323 439 APR00 BRAKESAVER REPLACED 208-5780, 475/500HP 1650/1750 LB-FT 2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7393 139 JAN02 REPLACED 234-1218, 292-2228,308-5118,343-7092, C9 MAR-200EKW 50HZ-AUX 394-5056 52 MAY13 Replaced 230-9779, C18 A4 D8T EU config 259KW/1850 RPM 283-1501 16 NOV05 543HP@1900RPM 146-6801 146-6803 146-6802 146-6804 When the progress bar has reached 100% then read back checking has finished. 1450/1550 LB-FT 203-9246 N/A 22, 25-33 events. (Replaces 191-2822), 410 HP 1800/2100 9NS1 UP 191-9932 326 OCT00 REPLACED 221-9322,249-0077, 3412E Industrial 263-4033 137 OCT04 Primary Service Backup Service Reason (208.5? Latest 259-8286 259-8287 8, 3508 Propulsion Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert II.V 8TC10981 Up 350 NAR 121 0R6682-00 Feature is optional but not configurable, No diagnostics are supported on driver. 208-6648 671/624 HP @ 1800 21 Auto Load and Start 1 J1922, 325 HP 7LG16000-UP 111-4184 NOT AVAIL 26 JUL 93 3. this engine is 176-6148 as indicated. 261-8304 7 Chip Version Reason *********************************************************** 208-6650 NA 25-33,37 High Ambient: reverse bug of Straight Travel REPLACED 191-6548,207-4672,222-9256, AD40/AE40 3408E 239-4149 76 APR03 REPLACED 214-3387,221-9335, New stategy remains at constant engine speed The most effective improvement is driver training. Replaces 449-0187, C280-12 MAR-3800/3460BKW 451-4714 NOV13 259-8372 6 597 HP @ 1800RPM Chip Version Reason ******************** Emergency Ratings *****************************. Test cell throttle support Replaced 245-0203,249-7623, Negative timing support Added PING for VIDS (using MID $33 instead of $31) REPLACED 194-4986, 3412E Marine C 255-7350 125 APR04 II 8TC1413 10980 425 EPA 106 1019301-00 *335 350 1250 2100 * If your looking for both then about the only route to go is an aftermarket product, weather it be PDI of bully dog. INTEGRATED BRAKE CONTROLS FOR SMALL OFF-HIGHWAY TRUCKS. REPLACED 185-9791, 224-5841, C15 Mach-980G Tier3 Repower 343-4085 130 Apr10 URBAN BUS, 275 HP 7LG1-07499 112-2075 OR6852 9 JUL 93 231-9969 231-9970 Primary Secondary Reason Code Replaces 441-3720, C7 MACH-573 WFB FP 432-8846 25 APR13 The most effective improvement is driver training. Support for True Weight Speed Manager Keeps 773D transmission control 201-4703 turning with short interval. 184-3096 184-3097 5,6,8,9 governor actuator failure). 920/1000 HP/1750RPM Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 151-7064 151-7065 In version 2.45, a 776D transmission control 201-4703 Flash Part No. Debounce on the coolant level switch is now 3 seconds 605 @ 1440 EPA LoNox Cert. II.V 2EK1 Up 400 Std 17 0R6640-00 Replaced 371-7705,378-3619,383-7685,385-1159 156HP@2080RPM Made single display LEDs behave as system LEDs and have them remain lit when any MMU has a notice or 3516B HIGH DISPLACEMENT MARINE PROPULSION APPLICATION D11R tractors Flash Part No. 357-9965,366-2063,383-0729, C7 MACH-563 WFB FP 436-2755 APR13 Replaces 378-1572,417-1481,419-0047, C32 PROP SCAC TIER 2 MARINE 419-7819 APR13 if utilized correctly. codes are set to the default value of 0000 (no correction). 1600 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, (Special - POWER LIMITED) 713 HP/1800 RPM 28 Replaced 272-1428,298-7453, **************************************************************************************** latest 206-8719 4, 50 HZ, CONTINUOUS/PRIME/PRIME+10/STANDBY, LO BSFC * REPLACED 293-3847, 4451991 Marine PRIM 310-7692 37 MAR07 Replacement, ************************************************************************** REPLACED 249-1232, 3412E Industrial 263-4053 141 OCT04 Learned speed set to 1350-1750 RPM REPLACED 265-8976, C18 EP-60HZ-LOW-BSFC 324-0653 DEC07 to match the new part number injector! Supports Optional Pre-cooler II 8TC1413-UP 310 CARB 102 0R6657-00 1000 HP @ 1800 RPM 950HP@1800RPM 4 Added Ramped Elevated Low Idle should be viewed on the engine ECM via ET. Instrument Panels) would activate a 91-08 Speed Control Output 333-5996, 455 HP 1550 LB-FT 2100 RPM LEE00001-UP 337-7353 64/164 OCT08 Truck Engines 6NZ and 7CZ and EGH (Gov.) addition to this cross-reference and reason descriptions are not 13. in UPS view and correct all discrepancies. REPLACED 156-8239, 186-4990, 189-5703, 194-4985, 3412E Marine C 255-7348 79 APR04 328-0711, C9 335HP @ 2200 RPM 1150lb-ft JUN08 31/131 334-2372 C9 285HP @ 2200 RPM 890lb-ft JUN08 30/130 334-2371 176-6032 176-6034 176-6033 176-6035 18,19,20,21 latest 224-3075 47 latest 200-0084 200-0085 To verify the monitor software version use Winflash via This issue only affects Marine 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, CONTINUOUS, LO BSFC Replaced 313-9535,3167980,321-7228, This parameter label will be used in forthcoming versions of Cat ET. 245-1998 all future software updates will be "flash only" and dealers must 143-9910 143-9912 143-9911 143-9913 When the progress bar has reached 100% Phase-Neutral Over-voltage is now detected and will cause a shut-down of the UPS. Allows low idle down to 450 RPM 227-7604 227-7614 211-5552 Change 590-12 error code to 590-09 error 234-7586,236-8706, 500 HP 1650 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM MBN00001-UP 272-6618 221 MAR05 183-7503 183-7504 Removed Equipment ID from the required list of parameters REPLACED 216-2925, C12 ADEM III C TIER, TIER II MEUI MARINE, DESCRIPTION GOV S/N FLASH P/M RELEASE latest 227-4877 45, 46 distribution system. 600 HP @ 2100 RPM adversely effect vessel control systems that utilize this output before flashing the 55. (Still used on steel pistons) 6TS00001 & UP, 355 HP 1350@1200 5EK05767-80006 185-1181 322 DEC99 348-4745, 435 HP 1650 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM SDP00001-UP 365-1161 41/141 Nov10 320-3722,344-2665,364-3635,386-9390, C6.6 MACH-963 AB&T TTL 443-8414 121 AUG13 flash file. Simultaneously the message Firmware update: receiving data will appear in UPS View. 171-2464 171-2466 171-2465 171-2467 1 316-1856,318-7002,320-0373,326-3662, With factory installed 249-0708 injectors Version Replaces 270-7511,283-2526,291-1274,295-1171 REPLACED 253-1952,254-9990,282-9909, C13 IND-354 KW ACERT 138-8780 138-8781 135-5533 133-5535 135-5534 135-5536 Version 992G implement control 174-9007 Replaced 227-1399,249-7370, C15 MACH-82XH LWL 434-9494 2 JUL13 This will allow the ECM to monitor differential pressure even if the sensors are installed backward. 91-08 diagnostic. For use with 138-3200 or 0R-7176 Turbo Group, 600 HP 2050PT 2100 RPM BRAKESAVER 5DS00324 & UP 170-8233 161 DEC98 This eliminates the need to service locations that do not have flash capability. 245-1968 183-2266 183-2268 183-2267 183-2269 223 HP 2000 14. 155-1737 155-1739 155-1738 155-1740 3 w/ Factory installed 238-8091 Injectors SEP06 IC 44 300-0460 In addition, it is 1. 353-2732,367-7565, C11 966H MLIT 8RM1-199 8EM1-257 7HM1-171 228HP@1850RPM FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) off and using the external sync. S/N Range Injector P/N Date Code Interlock Flash File 190 HP @ 2200 1WM/7LZ/4ES 1 and up 188-8055 302 JAN00 Chip Version Reason 947hp @ 1800 RPM REPLACED 265-8974, C18 EP-60HZ-LOW-BSFC 314-5422 MAY07 1450/1550 LB-FT 850 HP @ 1600 RPM 147 Oct12 ************************************************************************** REPLACED 220-6634,237-0702, Replaced 248-7637,251-7453, 159-4675 159-4676 10 587HP@1500RPM latest 205-7038 4, 50 HZ, CONTINUOUS/PRIME/PRIME+10/STANDBY, EMISSIONS * 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, LO BSFC 282-9908,296-4327,312-1163, C13 IND-287/310/328KW ACERT II 8TC1-1412 285 EPA 2 0R6666-00 1068 @ 1800 RPM 8 Gear Fast/Run Slow (Eaton 2) I am willing to help you (share) if you can provide tutorial to download it. SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE (Only compatible with 259-8418 or 10R2878 turbo installed) Replaced 347-5497,362-3266,359-9479,366-5919,377-1483,381-6323,386-2956,395-2118, C15 ACERT 735 436 HP/1700 RPM 310-7055 97 MAR07 Flash Part No. Replaced 245-0843, KAL1-12897 w/ Field installed 238-8091 Injectors SEP06 IC 50 300-0455 45(1DR1374-Up), and Challenger 55 (7DM0624-Up). 320HP@1900RPM 203-9241 N/A 22, 25-33 138-1301 138-1303 138-1302 138-1304 1000 KVA Prime 1100 KVA Standby @ 1500 Low E 13 J1922, 300 HP 7LG16000-UP 111-4186 NOT AVAIL 27 JUL 93 236-2149 3126 Truck 230HP 540 lb-ft, 2300 RPM Date Code MAR03 176-6152 176-6153 16,18,21,23 Multi-torque ====================================================================== Replaced 387-4539,426-1832,441-8393, C9.3 A IRONSET T4F A5:E2 450-5764 N/A SEP13 Flash Part No. 378-7542,385-1166,395-1103,420-4249, C9.3 IND-A/B/C TIER 423-6599 DEC12 Flash Part No. Flash Part No. 205-6954 37 529 HP @ 2100 RPM Files 222-3478.exe, 2065418.exe, 2065410.exe and 259-8396 6 2. a 101-13 crankcase pressure calibration required diagnositc. Service Replacement Reason before programming it, a failure while flashing the module will REPLACED 224-7281 365 HP/1500 RPM 37