To perhaps restate my question, other sources suggest there are about 545,000 words in the original Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic. Heres where it got time-consuming: I built one Logos Word List like this for every single book of the Bible. These were not counted because What two Letters of Light are Abas sovereignty ALEPH TAV or in Greek Alpha and Omega. Subscribe to our Twitter Feed, Book Reviews Hit the button below to get a copy of the file for yourself. First Temple was built by Solomon in 966BC to 950BC whichreplaced the Tabernacle constructed in the Sinai Desert Under Moses supervision. With Bible Analyzer's built-in Download Manager you have access to 100s of valuable titles. Did you know that the serpent in the bible is not a snake? Center of the Bible Bible Statistics This study includes referenced and independent research work to answer the question: "What is the center of the Bible?" by Fran Corpier VALID DATA: I have included, below, the web version of my excel workbook. You How does the number of words in the Bible stack up to other texts? quadrupled (7 times 4) instead of seven doubled (7 times 2.) Link is, I moved it here: verse in the King James Bible, None Blessings to you dear brother but apply the thanks an glory to Whom who SENT THE WORD out of Torah to Aba! Length of the arm from elbow to the end of the middle finger, almost 18 inches. Therefore, a 280,000 word manuscript becomes a 900 page doorstop. I have very limited and basic knowledge of the 22 letters, their number valve and the pictogram meaning, also I now know of the musical aspect of it too. These came with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum and Baanah.The number of the men of the people of Israel: the sons of Parosh, 2,172; the sons of Shephatiah, 372;read more. Ive put together word counts for every book of the Bible. what a verse to be right in the middle of your Bible. The Devarim is a retelling of all the other 4 books, and what is too come including the blessings and curses yet to happen. Joel beat me to it! the page and slaps you in the face and makes you say wow! Using the Ribbon Tabs. Also Psalm 119 has the Hebrew Alphabet translated into Two birds one stone, I figure. First Templedestroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. New Testament: 181,253 words. These numbers are pulled from the original languages using Logos Bible Softwareyou can see how I did it below. David, you can read that here: of the 5th Century. Im writing another article on the word counts of each book in the Bible, your material here is invaluable, but Im concerned at how you end up with your 611,224 word total. Who Was Herod? Over 100 titles are completely free while around 120 more Premium titles are available for a very low cost. Next, in the verse list panel that appears, click the Search information and statistics button on the toolbar. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: These are the middle two verses Biblical Word Counts I ask readers this week to bear with me while I share some statistics from the site King James Bible Statistics. So have you done a study on the percentage of torah words represented in the 1st 6 chapters of genesis, This is awesome and done by Torah scholar editing team with Wiki English,, 153 fish they caught in their net Noah is 152 verses go here to read more of my found bread there were 31,175 verses the middle verse would not be Psalm 118:8. This is why it is tricky to read your daily portion of bread every day. The game features: A bible word unscrambler game contains Bible word games and Bible Stories Numerous word connect puzzles that challenge brain Colorful illustrations and interactive contents of Bible Stories Educational Bible games for both adults and children They will pour into your lap a good measurepressed down, shaken together, and running over. in some of the Psalms), (the We are LIKE the Angels like His 27 Letters with LIGHT to give. Join our email list, and well send you some of our best free resourcesplus well tell you whenever we make something new. I made a similar list using the ESV. and they read "the Lord". They gave up because they were so confused on what to do next after the Christ had left. Enter the HITS command referencing your original search pane. We've got 100 helpful prompts to help you get kickstarted on your next writing assignment. You However, another source, Bible Believers, states that the 1611 King James Bible has a word count of 788,280 words. Which religions followers will go in Paradise, If there is God then why so much injustice around, Determinism and Freewill: Scientific and Religious Analysis, Quantum Field theory, we are all connected, A Brief Summary Of Events In Human History As Per Bible. Every Word, a room in the Fathers house prepared just for you to get to know Him who sent the Christ, the Word of G-d made flesh and blood. First Temple was built by Solomon in 966BC to 950BC whichreplaced the Tabernacle constructed in the Sinai Desert Under Moses supervision. Let me know where you are in your torah knowing and we can go from there. These books have spurned a 8-season television show, Game of Thrones. Chapter in the King James Bible, Shortest Aleph Letters means Hidden power and strength of G-d and the Tav means Owner/Authority! . Avram (Abraham) was missing the dot which makes the Bet Letter say sharp V sound. One topic about the Bible that differs among its many translations is the word count. How many words are in the King James Bible? LESS the LORD, O my soul: and (C) Press the Enter key to generate the list. People look at the Bible in different ways. These cookies do not store any personal information. The love of agapao can be commanded, for it consists in recognizing the value and worth in others. Out of 1189 total chapters 929(78%) chapters are in Old Testament Books and 260(22%) chapters in New Testament Books. The global population is expected to reach 8 billion by November 2022. two middle verses. In the Word Count dialog box: The Word Count dialog box includes the Include . Heres an example. SwordSearcher is a registered trademark. "Difficult Words and Phrases," The Bible Translator 3:3 (1952): 135. Get in touch with us now. Eph6:17(KJV). and then selecting Word List from the options. in the King James Bible. And this will be My covenant with them when I take away their sins. Let's look at the books' word counts: The Hobbit - 95,022 words The Lord of the Rings - 455,125 words The Two Towers - 143,436 words The Return of the King - 134,462 words A Song Of Ice And Fire A Song Of Ice And Fire is written by American author George R.R. Details of Bible Translations and their Sources. The Words property counts all the text on slides and notes pages. . power. Nevertheless they did not Blue Letter Bible! I did carefully read your other page on this fascinating topic, but didnt completely understand it, hence my question. What a cool idea! Luke 2:3. Word Counter is a clean and simple web interface for counting words, characters and pages, checking grammar and spelling, keyword density and more. including the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 or the superscriptions listed Of course, thats just looking up the English word. The word "and" occurs 46,277 times; the word "Lord" 1,855 times. Top 10 Words in the Bible (List starts on the left and goes down) The number 1 word is "Lord" (this includes both the upper case "Lord", which refers to God and the lower case "lord", which would refer to a someone's superior), with 7,759 occurrences, followed by God, at number 2, with 3,977 occurrences. Oh my goodness, you do KNOW HIM! The estimated measurements are not helpful. Keep Smiling Find out more, Condensed Summary of Main Topics and Theme of each Surah of Quran If Thank you for compiling this list of books, as Im looking to memorize the shortest so I can claim to have memorized a multitude of bookslike 3 John! Heres a taste the first verse has all the Letters but 12! We thought you might find it interesting to also see some more facts and figures about the Bibles 66 different books. If you look up how many words are in Harry Potter, you will see that it has more words than the Bible, clocking in at just over a million words; 1,084,170 words to be precise. We can be like the Letters each with a story of our own being paired UP with another witnesses of the ORH. That might make for a fun tutorial video to do sometime. I have an old Strongs Hebrew, Greek concordance I am always looking up everything. The number of words in each Bible will be significantly different. Book Titles, the Testament dividers plus the phrase Table of Contents) They do not set these rules in stone, and a writer can decide to exceed this word count. is simply not the case. all thy name. Kabal is nothing more than the 4th layer or spiritual layer of torah (instruction of the WORD of G-d). Verse 2 concludes If you dont have the data for video, they can be listened to by selecting audio or download MP3. G-d did not plan on a rewrite G-d planned on a NEW WINE SKIN to pour out of TORAH to become His SEED of LIGHT to the WORLD. The 37th chapter of Isaiah and the 19th chapter of II . Would love to understand this some more. They already have the word count for a passage range available, since they display differences. Do you know Aba who reveals Himself through the WORD. Bereishit (Genesis) 12 Sidrot 50 Chapters 1,534 Verses Shmot (Exodus) 11 Sidrot 40 Chapter 1,209 Verses Vayikra (Leviticus) 10 Sidrot 27 Chapters 859 Verses Bamidbar (Numbers) 10 Sidrot 36 Chapters Thanks for all study tools you are making available. Have you seen this anywhere? fruits bared by the tree of life. You can do this with [cue the Superman theme] Logos Bible Software! When people were feasting, having parties, getting married and getting engaged but not putting ANY effort into learning Aba or His Word. Have you done word frequency lists? Christians see the Bible as the Word of God. Therefore I believe these word counts Count words and characters, correct spelling and grammar, and check keyword density. File Name:Primitive-Word-Counter.exe Author: There are some variations between versions with included/excluded text and verses, however, for the purpose of establishing the relative lengths of each book, these counts are very helpful. The Old Testament and the four Gospels are almost 90% of the Bible The books of the Old Testament are about 2.5 times longer than the books of the New Testament (about 5,000 words compared to over 12,000) 3 John is the shortest book of the bible. 3. Curious about the percentage of words. If you have ever used Access, it is a powerful tool to manipulate data until you are blue in the face. Again, thanks for your efforts here! Old Testament: 592,439 words. Im curious what the conversion rate would be though. A third way to verify the word count is to use the tabs at the top of the Word doc itself by following these steps:. Using the information on this site and its analysis of the NASB, there are 622,771 words in the Old Testament and 184,590 words in the New Testament, making a total of 807,361 words altogether. I exported each Word List as a CSV spreadsheet. Sari also received the HEY Letter of Light. But I can point to where I bought bread! Also, there are hundreds of translations of the Bible into other languages as well, each with different word counts. The truth is always better But please follow no mans translations as your foundation, use their tools to carve out your own path. Bible Atlas Charts, Maps, DXNRY & Commentary received e-mails informing me of this information. [Ed. New video quick-tip: searching non-Bible content, SwordSearcher 9.0 Hotfix 1 update available, Quick tip: Clone panel from the Topic Guide, SwordSearcher 9 Released with Dark Mode and more, SwordSeacher 8.4 Released with new Quick Concordance Tool and more, SwordSearcher 8.3 Released with Enhanced Audio Bible Support. If you are counting from the original Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic, do you have any idea how it is your count is over 10% higher? Shamyim is not heaven UP in the sky Shamyim is the divided waters of the Word of G-d. So Research expert covering media. I click Ruth, and blammoLogos pulls in every Hebrew lemma in the book of Ruth (as far as the ESV is concerned). It Thus started the third massive reconstruction of the temple under Herod with an expansion of the Temple Mount. Martin. Only in the Christina bible will you find that the Nachash is called a snake. Make or made Statistics is mentioned in the Bible 13 times and in the Quran seven times. there are. Length of the outstretched arms, about 6 feet. Especially, the New Testament. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. center of the Bible. More to the point, any class requiring students to read the series before registering is setting a million word point-of-entry. Middle book of the Old Testament is Proverbs and of New Testament is 2 Thessalonians. If it is alright, I will pass on this information to our homeschool co-op. Wow!!! Chapters in the King James Bible, Total A Reply To Dan Gibson. Apparently But remember translations will always change the COUNT so dont count on the number, count on the WORD and His Letters. This book outlines words used in a matrix which have the statistical probability of occurring randomly about 1 chance in 9 trillion! also. And if you compare the number of words in Harry Potter to other Bible versions, you get similar results. Torah Hebrew A Word, two our more Letters of Light gathered together, can change with Letters being added, replaced or omitted. the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Hey but it gets even worse. Salvation comes from the Jew Holy Hebrew is all they have that the world doesnt have. This version of the bible includes both the Old and New Testaments. Some of them seem to disagree with Go find the other twelve, look at the WORD where its found and the Letters that make up that word for the best most glorious KNOWING of the Fathers seed. The physical size differences mean that there are a different number of words per page for almost any edition. Just the fact that there are different amounts of words in the modern versions should make one suspicious of their content. verses in the New Testament, Middle The King James Bible is the oldest version of the text, and as changes occurred in subsequent editions it is no wonder that sources report different word counts. words in Table of Contents - 94 (the In response to this four-part question, 22% of Americans say the Bible is the actual word of God, to be taken literally -- a bit lower than when using the three-part question. However Many will recognize Him and shout Lord Lord but He never knew them because they didnt even TRY to follow Him back to His origin as Andrew and John the beloved did when the Word turned and asked Whom are you seeking. Click the column header Count (A) to arrange the words according to the number of times they are used in the passage. But I wanted all the words of the Bible in a spreadsheet, so I had to take it a step further. if the Bible is the word of God, and it is, and the King James Bible is This tells Logos which text to pull words from when I designate a book of the Bible. That's twice as This however is mans accomplishment. 3+1+1+0+2 The website Open Thou Mine Eyes lists the New International Version as having a word count of either 727,969 words or 726,109 words, the English Standard Version having 757,439 words and the New American Standard Bible 782,815 words. Now i am going to add up all the words in Acts thru Revelation for those who think the Holy Spirit left out a lot on how the NT church understood the gospels. Herod proposed to renovate the temple in 20-19 BC. Run! These Verses are distributed as 23,145 (74.42%) in Old Testament Books and 7,957 (25.58%) in New Testament Books respectively.
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