Real thinking individuals, people who actually use their intellect, who research study, look at the landscape of society as it exists. If you have not watched that video from Friday, which I believe was the 18th or the 19th. 1:49:28 Yes. He worked at the radio station for 45 years, up until his death. 1:00:17 I never regretted a mask. So my appointment here is to find out why cant wear a mask. And I its a weakness that I have. Standing by while this happens is like paying the cannibals to eat you last, youre gonna get gone anyways. My question is this. Two predictions of decade long economic collapse will probably prove more accurate but only because of the draconian lockdown promoted by gates. And Im really kind of curious on how they do confine that that particular virus here in Texas keep it from going across the state line borders and infiltrating into other areas or the COVID Back are the COVID virus in other states doesnt come across the Texas border with all of us out here that are unprotected, and were still under the threat of death and the miniscule numbers that they do show, like a I dont know, point 1% point 8% death rate on on a nation or I mean on the planet for this disease worldwide. Weve had a lot of fun with this movement, but you can find a Scott you can go to patriots rise up calm as well patriots rise and see what were doing over there. Shes in a bank. Right? Eastern time. You notice that theres no ask for asterisks anywhere in the constitution that says, when you look up the Asterix at the end, it says, unless theres a virus, its not there. And youre going to protect me what from you? Yet many of you never heard of this. So somebody said a week or two ago, I saw one of the threads on the live stream. Microsoft founder shell gates, organized an exercise of for tabletop simulations of a worldwide Coronavirus pandemic, with other high ranking deep state. So what they would do is a given vaccine new soldier and hed be sick for about two weeks, youll as a system, his immune system fight off that weakened version of the smallpox. You have to police come in here, theyre gonna find your 500 or whatever I said, then Ill wait for the police. And and if people in an area would just make a concerted effort, okay, this business owners, one of those people that keep requiring us to do this, lets just collectively say nobody goes in that business anymore. You know, very least my winter doesnt care. We have a great, great guest for you tonight. 1:35:27 Unfortunately for that Whopper, the videos of the event are still available across the internet. I dont care if you get a barrel of a gun in my head and saying put the mask on. If youve not read it, you must read Thomas Sol Thomas Sol those two hi consult my bed my. Because theyre self serving. As levels of trust fall and people stop cooperating with response efforts. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once its ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join so better to join early). He was self-taught and extremely accommodating to everyone who had a need. The top notch tools and professional grade products, parts, and materials we use, combined with our substantial experience in the business, guarantees the quality work and results you deserve. 42. Nobodys going to put a gun to my head and tell me to put a mask on and going to happen. Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. And theyre going to deal with prosecution under the color of law. 1:14:28 Because theyre out there, making the machine the nation work. Oh, by the way, not everybody is going to get to see this. In the beginning, they tried to give me a hard time now I just waved my way out the door. Madonna, that pharmaceutical company who made one of the companies made a vaccine, hell take you be sure youre in front of a computer because you got to Google Search what he tells you when he tells you go see it with your own eyes. Again, who determines the bad actor? 4CM says: TIME WILL REVEAL THE VERACITY; SO WE KEEP OUR EYE ON THE BALL. Dwight Lilly. These are the same people that want you to follow their orders. Constitution Association has been a nonprofit since 2015. They drop that the governor dropped it. We know more than anybody else in the world, our history, even even though theyre trying to erase it. She comes across the path of this scumbag carrying something. 1:50:47 But its as stupid as you can. As always, why dont like seatbelt laws? 1:49:37 And Ive watched them over many years. 1:52:18 Thats what they think. And he also was on one American news later. Where is this? And now what happens is, I dont know if its the same day or days later. At the top, you will see a donate tab there where you can join the family of supporters for revolution radio, click that button on and make your donation you can also use the orange patron buttons, you can create a free Patreon account. 24. Thats when rules of engagement go out the window. 1:26:31 So and thats what its all about is ultimately its about the vaccine ultimately is about getting vaccinated, vaccinated vaccinated with something that is theoretical, the not sure what they, what they put in, it actually does to you. And thats the point. Home; Search; Donald W Mckay; Donald W Mckay's Ohio Voter Registration. And I just wont put one on period. I said, No, I dont Ive got a National Medical, well, you still have to have a mask. Scott McKay on his radio show. So but the thing is, thats ultimately what its about because they want to hurt you. Listen to Coshocton area sports action. #VOHRADIO Exclusive With Apostle Michael Petro And Scott McKay At Clay Clark's The ReAwaken America Tour In Dallas, Texas. Not even the very few few people with a positive PCR test and people werent even sick folks. And we were talking about a mask on. So they decided they want to work well, I have assessed the risk as well. And during those two weeks, he learned how to shoot. But nowadays, its a little bit different. Im talking about fighting with your voice and standing up letting these people know that you are done with this bullshit you are done. Again, they just come right out and say it ask it Yeah, should we just control these people? Because at the end of the day, youre the only person that can guarantee your freedom. I had some summer and all the I was at an all the I dont want to mask my wife does just because she doesnt want the hassle. I dont know what you guys faith out there is but I believe in prayer, I believe prayer is at the top of the list. Again, these are Satanists. Their unprincipled stand is gone. Not the not the the the global financial reset, but theyre the Cabal satanic reset. And it confirmed what Ive been saying for over a year based on Gordon dust research. He comes in to throw his weight around, wrestles her to the ground injures her. Oh, yeah, NGO communities. pursuit of happiness, you have a right to pursue your happiness based on your choices. To mention this, I believe a week or two ago. And I can clearly see that I wasnt meant to be in that environment, because I would have never lasted and I wouldnt have any influence that would do anything any good. But theres a prototype that came out. He was the sports voice of WTNS and Coshocton County as a whole. And I mean, he was hes been a hero of mine since the 90s. Constitution and the Liberty is not possible as we have a free exchange system free market, if you want to call it that. Well, the last time I checked, a virus is not due process. Its going to be delivered in a way, the day twos. This Khazarian Mafia have morphed once again. It was just released, he died of a heart attack. Theyve had enough of the bullshit. But again, you know, once you get inside an establishment, when I get into Costco, it comes off. Because if we fork this up, theres nowhere to escape to. I think Scotts got some gas over there. The hells he doing in this event roleplays the newscaster reporting on government measures. Well, the amendment right after that then comes in play. As somebody who was a criminal running the CDC for 30 years. And then I continue shopping with her. Youre gonna stand on your principles. So anyways, that being said, the Patriot Street Fighter revolution is now on law to you folks now are coming to the tipping point in revolution radio, welcome. Its a 63 page document. Now the state level, often what happens is they delegate the powers down to lower level parts of government such as the county health department. 1:31:15 And folks, you wont ever go over and see that work. Constitution radio. Mckenzie is registered to vote in Coshocton County, Ohio. They have to control the narrative. Well, when I first started doing radio in 2007, on blogtalk, radio was just online, you know, podcasts, you know, radio, it was politics. Gates event 201 script imagines vast anti vaccine riots triggered by internet posts. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Im sure the clowns in America got their heart attack got out. 1:15:32 The Brian Ruhe Show. I wish everybody would wear one. Now it doesnt mean next time that that Im not coming in, Im just not going because we were going to get past the 10th. 1:33:41 Shes coming in to get it out. My name is Scott McKay. I got a I got a call from somebody today that wanted to get in touch with me to expose something. See, they think theyve got us now. But I found out a year ago when I put on those facial armbands that I have vertigo issues, and I have had vertigo issues for years. The second book is called the basic constitution that is my class handouts for my classes in a book form with a glossary and an index. PatriotStreetfighter. Khazarian Mafia Video Nuclear Video 11/12/20 And theyre sending out their hacks from law enforcement, who have never heard of Sheriff Mack that ever learned what their true responsibility is as a peace officer to protect and serve who the criminals, the mayors, the legislators, the people that issue these unlawful iidx which is unconstitutional. The other side will be the ones that pray that its a peaceful revolution. person was kind of wrapped left in the bite. The checker says dont check her out. Call to Listen Studio-B 641-793-2531: Studio-A. Both of those have a link bar at the top itll take you to any part of my Douglas v Gibbs comm site you need to go as for the nonprofit constitution constitution Association comm thats where you can get a PDF copy of the lawsuit against Kamala Harris. Go ahead and push it and push it and push it you will lose money. Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. 3.22.21 The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio Save the Children, We know what Liberty tastes like, we know what liberty is about. Im like, okay, I just kept walking, I was gonna go buy one. They can be prosecuted civilly and criminally under the color of law. This is why they call you shape and useless feeders. But only so long. Shes wearing a mask. Not Not you, but to listeners. Theres no law. These cowards will buckle belt buckle their drop the bullshit Come on in because I need your money. You mean like the human trafficking operation, child sex trafficking, kidnapping of The United Nations, you mean those NGOs and all the other ones? I talked to a an intelligence analyst from NSA, retired 28 years former naval Intel whistleblower, same thing. Most You know, theres nanoscience in those vaccines that can be activated with 5g technology to do whatever the hell they want to do with you. Scott McKay, Host of "The Tipping Point" says, we are currently witnessing the systematic destruction of the, "Old Guard" and Scott talks about But if everybody says you know what, theyre right, we are free sovereign individuals. Donald is registered to vote . Executives through iidx is not a law. Constitutional Law were gonna point out the bullshit that is being perpetuated on society by these unlawful unconstitutional actions and these enforcement agencies and you know your general basic issue, scumbag governor etc. The danger is gone. do. 35:35 Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. This this this this scumbag milk toast King shit police officer in Galveston, Texas comes in. I dont care. Proudly powered by WordPress He is also the creator of the Patriot Streetfighter podcast where the very first episode explaining the military operation behind the 2020 Presidential Election put him into YT censoring stardom as it went viral worldwide. I have seven books Im working on a few more right now. And now this time, theyre getting more oppressive now, because for all of last year, I was fairly left alone. The Tipping Point: Scott McKay on Revolution Radio | Monday nights at 8PM eastern. And they checked her out. These scumbags work their way into government. And Ill say little about it for right now. 1:53:54 You know, look, everybody looks relatively smart. My opinion. Its actually patriot Street Fighter seven. thats a broad stroke. It just wasnt today it is you go to DC, youre a rock star. But you know what I know. So I refuse to get the vaccine. He goes, What me? But the states have ultimate power and control. The task of identifying every bad actor is a mess. Not going to happen. So, you know, based on on this long term experience you have in studying the constitution and where we are now. Theres some of us out there that just absolutely refuse tyranny. We hope you dont mind as its expensive to pay for bandwidth and time to do this. You can get your patriot Street Fighter gear, Ive got my favorite shirt on tonight. Also, Bloomberg Johns Hopkins University population center. Those are the people that typically run for elective office. Ladies and gentlemen, Scott McKay here. So everybody stands up says, okay, weve had enough of this bullshit. As of July 1st, Ken will move into full-time ministry with the United Methodist Church. favorite people of all time favorite writers of all time. That brought him to this point where hes decided to get in this fight, Doug either. I have no problem. And after going through the constitution a couple times with me, she says, well, Doug, you really ticked me off. We now are in a situation, folks where I think we are at a climax point for what I think is about to happen in terms of the insanity of an ongoing lockdown of people wearing the masks. Shes right there. What makes you think that these people arent going to inflict the worst on you this has been biggest challenge is to help people understand the power structure, the people that we elect to public positions, from the school boards on up are pretty much in this day and age. Let me rearrange that for you a little bit. Therefore, who knows what happens when I go to Costco again. So looking at the whole mask situation, and the this is lets get lets start having some fun here. But thats beside the point. Theyre greedy, blood sucking, self interested traders, many of them say, well, its a little harsh. They said, well, Doug, yeah, but then, you know, it affects the healthcare system or doesnt have socialized system, not in an individual, individual individualistic, free market system, it doesnt just in the same way, see their thinking with socialist minds. Not this guy cuz I Im here now Im the big boy in the block. This is what frustrates frustrates me.
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